Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I have the framework of the game pretty much completed. It is fully playable, but there's only placeholder content available. I have all the animation code completed, but only one character graphic and only one frame per animation, so it's not very pretty just yet.

Also, I have a high score table for each difficulty. The game asks for the your name as you select the difficulty, and uses it when it saves your high score. I might have it ask for your name at a different time, but I'll leave it for now.

I've made the game load its settings from an xml file, which means I don't have to recompile when I tweak the game and more importantly that my client (as I'll call the guy that commissioned me) can customize the game himself after I hand it over.

Since I have the framework complete, I've started work on an editor to simplify the content-production. So far all I have is the interface for the question editor. I think that the most useful editor I will make is the animation editor. Coding the xml for the one simple character I've made so far was tedious enough. I hope to simplify and quicken the process with an editor.

A concern I have is that all the content for the game is easily accessable and editable, which means that the game can be easily hacked. Maybe down the road a bit, I'll change the format or something and allow editing only through the official editor. But not yet.

Ever since I began work on RefLib, I've had a hankering to add a little story to it. As you progress through the game, you are hired to a new library. I think it would be fun to make each library a little more sinister than the last, the librarian a little creepier. And maybe it can vary per difficulty. The easy difficulty stays happy and merry throughout the stages, but each harder difficulty shows a little more hint at the evil underneath until the hardest difficulty that shows it all.

Anyway, thanks for reading.


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